I have been loving cargo pants for a long time. As a matter of fact I have a few of them from years ago. When I saw that they were “back” in style I wanted to grab a new pair that was looser around the hips and skinny at the bottom so I could wear them with heels. I didn’t find the exact one I was looking for, but this one was close enough. I love pulling them down so they sit on my hips, especially when I am not feeling too skinny.
Spanish – Español
Los pantalones cargo o estilo militar me han gustado desde hace años, son cómodos y versátiles. Por eso cuando me di cuenta de que volvían a estar de moda, estaba feliz de la vida. Quería encontrar unos que fueran más anchos arriba y pegaditos abajo para usarlos con tacones altos. No encontré los que estaba buscando, pero estos de Zara me gustaron mucho.

As you will learn through the course of my blog, I always like to add color to my outfits, and I figured that a striped red and white top would go perfect with the army green.
Como iras dándote cuenta en el transcurso de mi blog, me fascina vestirme con colores, no soy de esas personas que solo se visten con colores oscuros. Por eso me puse un top de rayas rojas y blancas para que los pantalones resalten más.
I also put on a studded belt to add some toughness to the outfit and grabbed a blazer –I think everybody should own one; they go with everything – just in case it got chilly at night.
Le agregue una correa (cinturón) negra y un saco (americana) en caso de que haga un poco de frio en la noche.
I decided to wear my Steve Madden black pumps too. They have to be one of the most comfortable pair of heels I owe, trust me. Ever since I hurt my back I can't wear heels like I used to. If anything, I wear them for a little bit and then I have to switch to flats.
Para completar mi "look" me puse estos tacos (tacones) negros de Steve Madden, unas pulseras y este anillo que me fascina.

To finish the look I grabbed my black Jimmy Choo clutch! I think it was definitely a great investment since I wear it all the time and is one of my favorite pieces.
Por supuesto antes de salir no podía faltar mi bolso de mano de Jimmy Choo, que es uno de mis preferidos!

Pictures by Garry
Can I just tell you that I am NOT comfortable taking pictures, especially when I have to pose hahaha. I should ask my bff Monica to teach me how to do it! I felt really bad for my boyfriend because I literally just laughed the whole time he was trying to take pictures. Of course I didn’t post the pictures of me laughing because I looked like a clown. Hopefully as time goes by I will start feeling more comfortable in front of the camera!
Te soy sincera, no me gusta tomarme fotos, especialmente cuando tengo que posar y ni sé cómo hacerlo, jajaja. Pobrecito mi enamorado (novio), por más que trataba de tomarme fotos yo estaba atacada de la risa. Ojala con el paso del tiempo me acostumbre más!
What I am wearing: