SHOES: Christian Louboutin Yellow Pigalle HERE

Hi Queens, if you've been following my blog for a while, you know that my favorite color is yellow! So, when my sales girl at Christian Louboutin texted me pictures of these new Christian Louboutin Yellow Pigalle I was beyond excited and told her ... "YES, they are mine!". Well, I got the shoes a couple of weeks ago but finally open the box today and to be honest with you I was a bit dissapointed because I was expecting a brighter yellow. I fell like these shoes are more mustard than yellow. So now I don't know if I should keep them or return them. HELP ME. What do you think?
Spanish – Español
Hola mis Queens, si han seguido mi blog por un tiempo saben que mi color preferido es el amarillo. Por lo que ni bien vi estos zapatos amarillo me enamore de ellos y los ordene. Y es que aunque no lo crean solo tengo un par de tacones amarillos. Bueno, resulta que cuando llegaron a mi casa y abri la caja no era el tono de amarillo que me imaginaba. Quizas por que pensaba que iban a ser amarillo patito y estos son mas tirando a mostaza. Por lo que ahora no se que hacer, si quedarme con ellos o devolverlos. AYUDENME a decidirme ... que dicen, me los quedo?