Shoe Dazzle

ShoeDazzle - Crystal

If you have been reading my blog for a while you know I LOVE LOVE shoes!!!! So when ShoeDazzle contacted me I was beyond excited! ShoeDazzle, founded by Kim Kardashian, is an online fashion brand delivering personalized monthly shoe, handbag and jewelry selections to members by its team of top celebrity stylists. The way it works, is that you pay $39.95 per month and you get to choose a pair of your favorite shoes, handbag or jewelry.

ShoeDazzle gave me a lists of shoes I could pick from and I decided to go with this gorgeous Crystal pumps. I am obsessed with the color of the shoe and their sole (hot pink). To be honest with you I was surprised how comfortable they are! They also look way more expensive than what they cost ,$39.95

The best is yet to come....if you want we to do a ShoeDazzle giveaway leave me a comment here.

Disclousure:  The shoes were gifted by ShoeDazzle. But they didn't pay me to write this post.

Spanish – Español

Si has estado leyendo mi blog, ya te habras dado cuenta que AMO los zapatos. Entonces ya te imaginaras lo feliz que me puse cuando ShoeDazzle me contacto.  ShoeDazzle,  creado por Kim Kardashian, es una tienda por internet de zapatos, carteras y joyas.  Al ser miembro de esta tienda, pagas &39.95 al mes y ellos te mandan una lista de zapatos, joyas o carteras, de las cuales tu escoges tu preferido.

ShoeDazzle me mando una lista de zapatos y yo escogi estos.  La verdad es que estoy enamorada del color del zapato y de la suela (fucsia).  Y te cuento, que son super comodos y se ven mas caros de lo que cuestan.

Ahora, viene lo mejor.   Si te gustaria que hiciera una rifa de sus zapatos, dejame un comentario aqui!

Aclaratoria:  ShoeDazzle me regalo los zapatos pero no me pagaron para escribir este articulo.