

Hi Queens!!! How was your weekend? Mine was just perfect! Watched a lot of football, went shopping for a client, went to the gym, went to church and then worked some more. Today was another busy day. I had a meeting with Ebay about a fun project that will start in a few weeks :-) Off to bed now. Well, at least try to get some sleep!

By the way did I tell you I was featured on Marie Claire Spain? :-) (happy dance and some singing haha)

Spanish – Español

Hola mis Queens!!! Como estuvo su fin de semana? Yo la pase muy bien. Fui al gimnasio, de compras para una cliente, trabaje un poco, fui a misa y vi mucho fútbol americano. Hoy fue otro dia super ocupado, tuve una reunion con Ebay acerca de un proyecto super divertido, en dos semanitas les cuento de que se trata :-) Bueno, ahora como dijo Topo Gigio a la camita jajaa.

Antes que se me olvide, les conte que sali en Marie Claire de España :-) Super contenta!


What I'm wearing:

How to Wear Plaid

Today was very busy! I taped a few TV segments, had a couple of meetings, got a massage, went to see my trainer at Bally Total Fitness and now I'm answering e-mails. I'm super tired though, I could fell asleep on top of my computer right now zzzzzzzz. OK Queens, I better finish answering e-mails ... I hope you have a blessed day/night :-)

Spanish – Español

Ufff hoy estuve a mil. Grabe unos segmentos para Telemundo, tuve unas reuniones, me dieron un masaje, fui a ver a mi entrenador al gimnasio y ahora contestando e-mails. Estoy taaaaan cansada, que me quedo dormida encima de la computadora jajaja. OK mis Queens, espero que tengan un dia/noche maravilloso :-) Voy a terminar de contestar los e-mails. Besitos muy pero muy fashion


What I'm wearing:

  • Shirt: Zara
  • Tee: Nordstrom
  • Skirt: Zara
  • Shoes: Schutz
  • Bag: Celine