Baby, it's cold outside!
Hi Queens, I hope you had a great weekend, mine was fabulous :-) I wore this to go out to brunch yesterday not knowing that it was going to snow later on. Yes, that's New York weather for you! OK Queens, I have to run now. I'm headed to the airport :-)
Spanish – Español
Hola Queens, espero que hayan tenido un lindo fin de semana :) Esto es lo que me puse ayer para ir a almorzar ... pero no pensaba que iba a nevar mas tarde. Y es que el clima de Nueva York es un poco loco! Bueno mis Queens, las dejo que voy corriendo al aeropuerto :-) Besitos muy fashion

What I'm wearing:
- Sweater: c/o Desigual
- Coat: Topshop
- Jeans: Current Elliott
- Boots: c/o Vogue Footwear
- Bag: c/o JustFab
Let it Snow!
Hello, Snow!
You probably read on Facebook and Twitter that I went to Connecticut this weekend. Sometimes it feels great to get away from the city. I went to visit my friend and we had so much fun. It was snowing, so I decided to wear flats boots, at least during the day :-)
Spanish - Español
Seguro leiste en Facebook y Twitter que fui a Connecticut este fin de semana a vistiar a una de mis amigas. La pasamos super bien a pesar de la nieve. Y como ves, hasta me puse botas chatas, por la nieve. Aunque igual use tacones en la noche :-)
Thank you for the pics L.W.
What I'm wearing:
A Rainbow in the Snow
I think people in New York are not used to so much color! Well, what can I say? My life is a rainbow :-) And yours?
Spanish - Español
Creo que la gente en Nueva York no esta acostumbrada a tanto color. ¿Que puedo decir? Yo vivo y sueño en colores ... mi vida es un arco iris :-) ¿Y la tuya?
What I'm wearing:
- Shirt: Old Navy
- Vest: Old Navy
- Sweater: Old Navy
- Jeans: Rich & Skinny
- Boots: Uggs