

I need to get a photographer ASAP because it's getting harder and harder to take picturess. You know I take the pics with a tripod right? So, sometimes they don't come out as nice :-( Some bloggers are soooo lucky to have somebody take their pics, it makes such a big difference. Today, I was talking to Dany from Nany's Klozet and I told her my next boyfriend needs to be a photographer hahaha. So, she said .. "start casting them on your blog" hahaha. So, if you are 5'11 or taller, work out, have photography experience and .... just kidding, haha! On a serious note ... if you are in NYC and know of somebody that is a great photographer please send them my info :-)

Spanish - Español

Necesito un fotografo urgente. Y es que yo tomo las fotos solita con un tripie y las fotos no salen tan bonitas como quisiera :-( La verdad es que algunas bloggers tienen mucha suerte de tener quien les tome las fotos, hace una gran diferencia. Hoy justo le comentaba a Dany de Nany's Klozet que mi proximo novio tiene que ser fotografo, jaja. Y ella me dijo "Flor haz un casting en tu blog" jaja. Asi que si mides mas de 1:80 metro, haces ejercicio, eres buen fotografo y ... jaja BROMA! En serio, si conoces a alguien en Nueva York que sea buen fotografo pasala mi info :-)

What I'm wearing:

  • Jeans: Zara
  • Top: Zara
  • Shoes: c/o Bakers
  • Bag: Zara

Arm Candy Just For You!

This week's challenge was to create your arm candy! I was so excited for this challenge because I love wearing bracelets, the more the better. I remember when I was a little girl I LOVED wearing tons of bracelets. And when I was a teenager I think it got out of control, haha, I used to wear about 15 bracelets in each arm - it was very hot to do that in Peru at that time!! Do you like wearing a lot of bracelets?

If you want to know more about this week’s challenge click here

Spanish - Español

El reto de esta semana era crear tu propio ARM CANDY, es decir que te llenes los brazos de pulseras. A mi este reto me encanto ya que AMO usar muchisimas pulseras. Recuerdo que cuando era chiquita y vivia en Peru, adoraba usarlas. Y cuando tenia como 12 años, las pulseras (cueritos) eran mi obsesion, tenia como 15 en cada brazo; y es que estaban super de moda. ¿Y a ti, te gusta usar muchas pulseras?

Si quieres saber mas sobre el reto de esta semana haz click aqui




What I'm wearing:

  • Top: H&M
  • Jeans: Zara
  • Blazer: Urban Outfitters
  • Shoes: Charlotte Russe
  • Watch: c/o Toy watch
  • Jewelry: Some SHOP HERE