I know, I know... I can't seem to get over the color block trend, haha. You have seen me wear it a few times already, but this look is one of my favorites. I love pencil skirts and this green one is no exception. I added the belt to add some edge to the outfit. What do you think, do you like it?
To see more color block outfits click here and here.
Spanish – Español
Ya se, las traigo locas con los bloques de colores, pero es que AMO los colores vivos. Ya les conte, desde que era chiquita me han gustado..... era la chica mas colorida del colegio; creo que fue en parte porque a mi papito, que en paz descanse, le encantaban los colores vivos tambien.
Esta vez quise ponerme esta falda verde tubo, el estilo es uno de mis preferidos. Como la falda es apretada quise usar un top mas sueltito y agregarle una correa para que resalte la cintura mas. Que te parece este look, te gusta?
Para ver mas looks de bloques de colores haz click aqui y aqui.

Many of you have seen him before, but for those of you that haven't, let me introduce you to my baby love - Cobe. (Susan this one is for you). He was born in Beverly Hills and now lives in Northern California. He is very spoil and loves kisses and hugs. Oh, I was forgetting to tell you that he is very picky with his food .. many times my mom makes him his own soup or stew! Cobe is my TRUE love. Isn't he just adorable?
Spanish – Español
Chica, les presento a mi bebe, Cobi. (Susan esta foto es para ti :-) El nacio en Beverly Hills un 3 de Mayo del 2008. Es super engreido y le encanta que lo abraze y me lo coma a besos. A Cobesito no le gusta la comida de perro, por lo que muchas veces mi mama le tiene que cocinar aparte, jajaja. Ademas, es bilingue, por lo que si le llamo "darling" o "cobisito" igual me entiende!

I am so excited, tomorrow is my birthday!!! Guess how old I am going to be?
Estoy super emocionada, mañana es mi cumpleños!!! Cuantos años crees que cumplo?
What I'm wearing:
- Top: Zara
- Skirt: Zara
- Clutch: Zac Posen
- Shoes: DV
- Earrings: Pop of Chic
- Watch: Michael Kors