I have been wearing a lot of skirts and dresses lately, so I wanted to mix it up a little. That's why I decided to wear this cargo pants yesterday. OMG now that I think about it, I wore this pants on my first blog post, of course I styled them different. To see how I wore them click here.
Spanish – Español
Ultimamente he estado usando faldas y vestidos bastante, asi que decidi cambiar un poquito mi look y ayer me puse estos pantalones cargos que son comodisimos. Ahora que recuerdo ... me puse estos pantalones en primer post. Si quieres ver con que me los puse haz click aqui.

I have never been a watch kind of girl! I remember that my parents got me one in high school that I loved for 1 year and then I stopped wearing it. But, for the past few moths I have been wanting to get a big gold watch, I have had no luck until I saw this Michael Kors gold rose watch. OMG I fell in love and had to get it!!!
Spanish – Español
Te cuento que nunca me han gustado mucho los relojes. Recuerdo que mis papas me regalaron uno lindo cuando estaba en el colegio, lo use todo un año y de repente me aburrí. Pero hace meses estaba loca por comprarme uno bien grande y de oro (bueno dorado, jaja) pero ninguno me gusto hasta que encontré este de Michael Kors de oro rosa.. Ni bien lo vi me enamore!

Hope you are having a great weekend!!!
Espero que estes teniendo un super fin de semana!!!
What I'm wearing:
- Top: Forever 21
- Cargo Pants: Zara
- Watch: Michael Kors
- Bracelets: H&M
- Scarf: H&M
- Belt: H&M
- Shoes: Steve Madden