When I stepped out wearing this outfit I felt as if I was in the 70's. There was something magical about this outifit. I was even called "Cher" by a homeless guy at the beach...hahaha. I just can't help but fall in love with the 70's style. Everything was SO perfect! When I look at my mom's and dad's pictures I just want to go back in time. I could stare at my mom's dresses, pants, skirts, tops, shoes forever... Everything she wore was SO chic!
Spanish – Español
Ni bien me puse este "outfit" me sentí como si estuviera viviendo en los 70's. ¿Puedes creer que hasta me llamaron "Cher?" jajaja, quizas haya sido el color de cabello, o los jeans sueltos de Miss Sixty que llevaba. La verdad es que el estilo de los 70's era unico y envidiable, cuando veo fotos de mis papas, no hago mas que soñar despierta. Mi mama siempre se veía chic, ya sea cuando se ponía sus vestidos largos, sus pantalones acampanados, y ni que se diga de sus zapatos, todo era un sueño.

Clogs bring back great memories, I remember that my aunt Pilar bought me my first pair of clogs when I was 7. They were chocolate leather brown with holes. They were fabulous! So, as soon as I stepped into this Jefrey Campbell clogs you know I was in heaven. I added a blouse, which to me, is the perfect cut, material and color. Just lovely. To complete the laid-back look I wore my Miss Sixty jeans and my Stephanie DVF bag. I was happier than ever. What do you think about the 70's style? Would love to read your comments.
Spanish – Español
Los suecos me traen tantas memorias, recuerdo que mi tia Pilar me compro mi primer par cuando tenia apenas 7 años. Eran de color marron con huequitos y por supuesto eran mis zapatos preferidos. Por eso cuando me puse estos suecos de Jeffrey Campbell me senti en las nubes. Para completar el look "relax" añadi esta blusa de seda de color anaranjado, miss jeans de Miss Sixty y una de mis carteras preferidas de Diane von Furstenberg. ¿Te gusta la moda de los 70's? Me encantaria leer tus comentarios.

Pictures by Garry
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Spanish – Español
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What I’m wearing: