A week ago I told you I am part of this new community called “Bloggers do it Better” that Kristina from Pretty Shiny Sparkly started. I am so excited to be part of this new movement! Today’s assigment was “white out", which meant that we had to dress in white from head to toe. I hope you like the look I created!
Last week's assigment was color block, my favorite by far. To see the pic click here.
Spanish – Español
Hace una semana les conte que soy parte de una comunidad de blogueras que se llama "Bloggers do it Better" que Kristina de Pretty Shiny Sparkly empezó. Cada semana, Kristina nos va a decir con que colores vestirnos y las que participamos tenemos que crear un look basado en esos colores! Hoy nos toco vestirnos de blanco de pies a cabeza y este es el look que cree. Espero te guste!
La semana pasada nos toco vestirnos con bloques de colores, si quieres ver las fotos haz click aqui.

White is a big trend this season, so make sure you have fun with it!
El blanco esta super de moda esta primavera/verano, asi que te recomiendo que lo pruebes!

Last time I wore this top & blazer I paired with some harem pants. To see the pics click here
La ultima vez me puse este saco y blusa con una pantalones harem. Para ver las fotos haz click aqui.

Have a GREAT day!
Que tengas un LINDO dia!
What I'm wearing:
- Top: Zara
- Blazer: Urban Outfitters
- Pants: Bebe
- Shoes: Aldo
- Clutch: Vintage
- Ring: Pop of Chic
- Necklace: Forever 21