I hope you had a great weekend. I had a fabulous one! I rested a little, worked out, worked, went shopping and went out ... just what I need it! So, New York Fashion Week is over but I still have a few more looks to share with you. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoy remembering all the amazing shows I attended :-)
Spanish - Español
Espero que hayan tenido un lindo fin de semana, el mío estuvo fabuloso! Descanse un poco, trabaje, hice ejercicio, salí de compras y con mis amigas ... justo lo que necesitaba. Como ya sabran, la Semana de la Moda de Nueva York ya acabo, pero todavía tengo varios looks que compartir con ustedes. Espero les gusten las fotitos, y siiiiii me pelaba de frío :-)

A BIG thanks to my girl Milly from Beauty Logic for taking these pics while it was 15 degrees Fahrenheit. You rock Queen!
What I'm wearing:
- Dress: Milly
- Coat: Bebe
- Necklace: Zara
- Sunglasses: Reed Krakoff
- Shoes: Christian Louboutin
- Bag: c/o ShoeDazzle