I hope you had a great weekend, I had a fabulous one!!! I got to hang out with my bff, my mom and some fun people! I had not laugh so much in a long time, that's the best therapy ever! I'm so in love with bright colors at the moment as you can tell by my previous posts. I got this floral skirt 2 years ago at Forever 21 and I decided to pair it with a leather jacket to toughen up the look!
Spanish – Español
Espero que hayas tenido un super fin de semana, yo la pase increible!!! El sabado sali con una de mis mejores amigas y ayer sali con mi mama. Esta mini floreada me la compre hace 2 años y la verdad es que me encanta. Es tan colorida que la veo y me pone de buen humor, jajaja. Para completar el look le agregue esta casaca de cuero y mis pantis fucsias!

I am in LOVE with this belt (worn as a necklace) that I got. As soon as I put it on I feel like a rock star, hahaha.
Spanish – Español
Estoy enamorada de esta collar, bueno es una correa, pero me la puse como collar! Ni bien me la pongo me siento como toda una rock star, jajaja

Last time I wore this tights I paired it with a turquoise dress - complete color block. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and you lovely comments. Don't forget to follow my blog with Google Friend Connect. xoxo
Spanish – Español
La ultima vez que me puse estas pantis fucsias me las puse con un vestido turquesa - color block total! Solo te quiero agradecer por visitar mi blog y tus lindos comentarios. No te olvides de seguir mi blog con Google Friend Connect, besitos
What I'm wearing:
- Jacket: Nordstrom
- Top: American Apparel
- Skirt: Forever 21
- Tights: American Apparel
- Clutch: Gucci
- Shoes: Jessica Simpson
- Belt worn as a necklace: Nordstrom
- Bracelet: Banana Republic