Dress: HERE Coat: Zara Bag: Zara Shoes: Old
Did you know that the Subway and I have a love-hate relationship? hahaha When I first moved to NYC I never wanted to take it. After living in California for so many years and driving everywhere, I thought the Subway was not only dirty but dangerous too. How things have changed now? I take the subway as much as I can, not only because is faster than taking a taxi or car service but also because I was spending way toooooooo much money on it. But I must confess, I still think is dirty and dangerous. By the way, the first Subway that I ever took was the "6" and it reminded me of JLo "On the 6" :-)
On another note I'll be on Univision SF tomorrow at 6 am talking about how to get soft and smooth legs this season!
Spanish – Español
Soy sincera cuando me mude a Nueva York odiaba el metro o mas conocido como Subway, y es que se me hace sucio y peligroso. Ademas viviendo en California, donde casi todos manejan, no me acostumbraba a el. Pero mientras mas pasa el tiempo tengo que confesar que ahora lo tomo todo el tiempo. No solo por que es mas rapido que un taxi, si no tambien por que es mucho mas barato. Ah y saben cual fue el primer Subway que tome? El "6" el que tomaba Jennifer Lopez :-)
Cambiando de tema ... les cuento que mañana estare en Univision SF a las 6 am hablando de como lograr unas piernas suaves y sedosas esta temporada.

First Subway I ever took ... the 6!